Thursday 15 November 2012

I See

I see lesser men drive hate and sorrow into the heart of others. I see injustice championed by those who mock it and condemn it. I see humans but no humanity. I see faith but no faithfulness. I see death and despair and on this cold night i feel fear and sadness for the future of our human race. Tyranny has become the norm. We think with our minds but not our hearts. It has made us cold and inhumane. I see. I see so much. I feel thankful to live in peaceful country such as Malaysia but i ask myself every single night before i close my eyes. shall this peace ever elusive and taken for granted, last forever?

Sunday 11 November 2012

Top of the mornin

Good morning. I suddenly had an urge to turn on this miserable part of my existence right now. Im blessed with another day. Blessed with a healthy body and a strong mind. As i leave to the balcony for a good morning cigarette i cant help but notice the sun shining down on me, the birds chirping for some apparent reason since most of the time they just shit and get on with their lives and completely unique to my experience is two cats fornicating under my neighbor's papaya tree. The wind blows every so smoothly and i am once again captivated by how well of we are. But such talk would truly wreck that experience. Such as they say enjoy the moment while it lasts. Such i the start to my morning. Hopefully yours is as interesting as mine. :)


I have always had an affinity for sociology. I always had these ideas that society must be governed in a way that prizes individual excellence above all else. Under my observation i have come to a hypothesis that the human race has become complacent and mired in myriad of problems that could easily be solved if we just look right under our God forsaken noses, be practical and realistic. In essence we have forgotten who we are, what we have fought for, where we come from. Our society has evolved to become marginalized and fragmented . Not to mention highly materialistic. The disparity amongst the human race is phenomenal really. I can eat so much and feel so full while people in Chad or Sudan barely even have a crumb of bread. If we truly are human it raises questions of where our humanity truly lies. Moral imperative is but an archaic idea this days isn't it? Nonetheless most importantly what i wish to convey is that we must remember our values, morality and ethics before we can ever dream of advancing. We must never forget to look behind before we move forward. As George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemn to repeat it" These maybe just words but to some words offer a means to truth and hope. Now, every single day seems harder as if the days are literally growing darker. In the end all you can do is give your best and hopefully God will do the rest.

A Blog

I find it quite intriguing that i have finally embraced the idea of blogging. I am still in the midst of deciding whether this is truly something i wish to indulge or merely something to pass the excess of time i have on my hands. Either way i am here, so for now to those of you who have stumbled on this, i bid you hello and wish you a good day ahead.